Here are some of the things I frequently enjoy doing:
Not going to the dentist.
Cleaning out my fridge.
Washing the windows.
Cleaning under my bed.
Reading the entire works of Proust.
Arranging my food alphabetically.
Conducting a scientific study of polymer synthesis and its affects on the world.
Arranging my envelopes according to size.
Counting how many sheets of paper I have in my possession.
Making sure that all of my socks have partners (even though they don't always match).
Documenting my pocket lint.
Calling my mom back.
Learning to speak a new language.
Recording myself sleeping.
Moving my furniture around to simulate a bus station.
Experimenting with new methods of sitting that I've never tried before.
Jogging on the spot for an hour.
Pretending that I'm a secret agent.
Decorating the inside of my fridge.
Drawing a fake door on my wall with chalk.
Conversing with my animal neighbors.
Writing a speech for a future award.
Walking to the corner store as slowly as possible.
Writing a positive feedback letter to my mail delivery person.
Putting a secret note into a library book.
Practicing finger stretching exercises.
Dressing up as my favorite author.
Smelling the inside of my nose.
Memorizing "The Elements of Style" by Strunk and White.
Sitting on my front porch with a sign that says "Honk if you love birds".
Documenting the plants in my life on paper.
Smelling books.
Pretending to be a famous astronaut.
Oh and just for the heck of it...
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