Hyperactive Dasani-Fearing Aliens With A Degree Audit

Yeah, Dasani like the water bottle. Why? Because I have several bottles of water strategically placed throughout my half of the room. Why? Just in case. Just in case of what? YOU ARE SO NOSY! Gah! But that's to be expected if you're reading this. I think I spelled 'nosy' wrong but my Mac is saying that it's spelled right. N-O-S-Y just doesn't look right. Oh well. Back to Dasani.
So yeah, due to the fact that I have been having cough attacks, I have been making sure that every place in my half of the room has a water bottle within arm's reach. I kinda feel like that little girl in the movie Signs. You know, the cute little girl who is always leaving glasses of water around the house because she says it's contaminated? Yeah, her. Except I don't have an older brother who wears aluminum foil on his head. Although I wish I did. That'd be legit. But I figured I'm ready for the aliens. Not only do I have water, but I also have several heavy objects that I could beat them with. 
I really wish I had a wooden baseball bat. Never know when it would come in handy. And before you ask, yes, I definitely would carry it around with me. If you're wondering why I look paranoid, join the club. I just thought it fit better than a smile.

People keep saying that Boyfriend and I make a cute couple and eventually I will get around to putting a picture of him (and-slash-or us) on here. No promises, though. I try my hardest not to make promises that way no one has a reason to be upset with me when I don't follow through.

Anyways, Boyfriend told me that I wear him out because I'm hyperactive and bouncy and random and stuff like that. He is seven years older than me, but I didn't think that that was a big gap, especially because Mama and Daddy are twelve years apart and either Daddy is on Speed, or Mama is on...something. But they always seem to keep up with each other. Then again, Daddy's 50-something and Mama is 40-something, so I guess when you get older, the hyperactive-ness goes down. Basically, I'm insane. 
You know it's true, so don't try to argue. 

Okay so basically today has been rather annoying. I'm waiting rather impatiently for 5:00pm to roll around so that I can register for the spring semester. Boyfriend already registered because he's a sophomore. I'm hoping to take 17 hours. In case you didn't know, a full-time student takes 12-14 hours. So instead of the normal five classes, I'll be taking six, one of which I'm not really supposed to take (according to my degree audit) until my like sophomore year or something like that. But then again my degree audit said to take my history class I-forgot-what-year-but-not-my-freshman-year. 

Oh, and I'm wearing my glasses. Total nerd day? Yes.

Oh and another thing. For those of you who play World of Warcraft, you understand the following picture.

Heck yes. A new age begins. Fear me.

Zombie Cough/Spaz/Panic Attack

So far today has been epic and not really in the best way possible. Going to bed at 2-3am and waking up at 7:30 is not a good idea. I've always heard that babies need the most sleep and I beg to differ. I need more sleep than an infant. I have decided these mainly because I feel like a zombie. That's how tired I am. Like I'm so tired I'm having trouble with the illustrations. So please forgive me if they are retarded today...well, more so than normal. 

See. This is what I feel like. And yes. I have arms. This came as a shock to me too. So don't get too excited...or whatever emotion it is you people uh...yeah. I forgot where I was going with that sentence. SEE? INEEDSLEEP.

About 2 hours ago, however, this is what I was feeling like:

Dedz. Horribly, terribly, coughingly, dedz. I had a cough/spaz attack in the middle of chapel. It was really quiet and my coughing was really loud and I couldn't stop coughing and everyone was looking at me even Boyfriend who did nothing but sit there and look at me. >.> Thank you Boyfriend.

I'm not mad at him. There really was nothing that anyone could do. I actually had no clue what to do. I was panicking to the extreme. Which I suppose my little episode can now be called a cough/spaz/panic attack. Yeah. That sounds about right. 

I hate history.
Like I hate it so much, my hatred for Windows isn't even comparable to my hatred for history. I literally wanted to beat my head against a wall for hours on end until either the wall came crumbling down or until I passed out. THAT is how much I HATEHATEHATE history.

Whew. Now that I got that out of the way...no...wait.


Am I done now? Oh my gosh I have no clue. I'm slightly scared of myself now. 


Does anyone know where I left my invisibility cloak? I can't seem to find it...

Comedy and Paint

A couple nights ago, my boyfriend (whom I shall refer to as Boyfriend) put some Dane Cook and Mitch Hedberg on my iPod touch. I started listening to comedians at around 5:00 this afternoon. It is now about 9:00 at night and I've listened to two hours (-/+) of Dane Cook and I'm almost done with Mitch Hedberg's first CD. 

"...a severed foot is the ultimate stocking-stuffer..." -Mitch Hedberg

This is me after 4 hours of comedy. I'm starting to wonder if I need some sort of help because there is no way at all that this amount of comedy is healthy for anyone. 

Oh yeah. Yes, I drew that myself. I was reading one of the blogs that I follow (called Hyperbole and a Half, which you can go to if you click here) and I got the idea to start illustrating my blogs. But I had a dilemma. 

There was no Windows Paint for Mac. 

Yeah. This was a big problem for several reasons:
1.) even though I have Windows on my Mac, I don't like Windows.
2.) in fact, I hate Windows.
3.) but I'm torn because all my favorite computer games (Nancy Drew) are for Windows.
4.) other than that, I hate Windows.
5.) it's evil. 
6.) BUT the main reason is that there really is no other program that compares to Paint.

So I GOOGLE'D it. And I found it. And I am happy. 

This is me. Well, this is my self-portrait of myself. I have no arms and I have no legs and I have no ears and I have no nose. And I have no hair. BUT I do have a hat. My hat. My glorious wonderful hat that I love so much. Why do I love this hat so much? 


Yes, I am insanely proud of myself. 


If I don't have any ears...then where are the iPod cords coming from in the first picture?!

I have no clue. And I have hair in this one. And color. 


I've been playing Words With Friends with Boyfriend and he's beating me. Severely. 222 to 67. I'm the 67. 


Chicken Thumbs and Chia Pets


So basically when I woke up this morning, I saw that I had managed to park my car mostly on top of someone else's car. Rather confused but also insanely proud, I began asking my buddies (whom I had been out with last night) about what had happened. This is what they told me:

I was doing pretty good, playing pool at the bar with them when a dinosaur-shaped chicken nugget walked in and gave me a turtleneck sweater. I said, "Thanks, it'll go great with my backpack," and proceeded to pull a backpack out of my pocket.
Then the dinosaur-shaped chicken nugget turned into a dinosaur-shaped chicken finger and I engaged it in a conversation about chicken thumbs and how they really must be accumulating somewhere because everyone always orders chicken fingers and no chicken thumbs. The dinosaur-shaped chicken finger Gibbs-slapped me and moon walked out of the bar.
Upon leaving the bar, I bumped into a ninja who gave me a Chia pet. He told me that he had been wandering this earth for quite some time looking for someone he could give the Chia pet to but every time he tried to give it away, the person would go on as if the ninja was invisible. I was the first person to actually bump into a ninja
I put the on the turtleneck and I put the Chia pet in the backpack, putting the backpack on.
While walking to my car, I decided that wearing a turtleneck and a backpack was like being strangled by a really weak guy so I loosened the backpack straps. After almost falling several times on the slippery ice, I got in my car just as a wombat on a toboggan zoomed past. When I got home, I realized someone had painted my house a horrid yellow and blue. 
I was so enraged that I quickly jumped out of the car, tackled the nearest train, and jumped back inside all within 5 seconds.
I've always been bad at parallel parking but didn't think it strange when the end result was my car leaning forward. When I opened the door, I fell out. I didn't think my car was that tall. And now it's morning and I'm even prouder than before now that I know the events that led up to my car being parked on top of my neighbor's car. My house is still that nasty color scheme and I have a horrible headache.  And I have a turtleneck that smells like chicken nuggets. Oh and I have a Chia pet that I have to take care of. 



So I was driving down the road and I got a flat tire, which caused me to have to pull over and stop. Knowing that if I am late to work, my boss will not be very happy with me, I dig my phone out of my pocket and get out of the car. As I'm getting out of the car, I step on a banana peel and slip, falling on [my] out-stretched hand. I hear Mario and Luigi laughing in the distance. 
Seeing as I just FOOSH'd, I come to the conclusion that the pain in my arm is most likely a fracture. With my other hand, I try to call my boss. The annoying secretary answers. She hates me because I put a rubber band around the sprayer on the kitchen sink so that when she went to put water in the coffeepot, it sprayed all over her. She hangs up on me. I call again, this time pretending to be a potential client hoping to speak with the boss. The witch bought it. I explained my situation to my boss as a gaggle of flying fish 
pass by me and he asks if I'm high. I respond with a no and ask why he was asking me that and he said that today was my day off and that a really hip apotamus just walked in the door so he had to go. A lethally poisonous yellow-spotted lizard 
(from the book Holes) licks my fractured arm and it feels better. Alot meanders by and eats my car, regurgitating it moments later with all four tires perfectly fine. I get back behind the wheel only to discover that the steering wheel has been replaced by a donut. When I get home, my hands are sticky from the donut and my cat climbs up my leg. I then realize that I don't even have a job. I look around and wonder what that sickly sweet smell is as I wander around the house with sticky hands and a cat attached to my leg.  

Is There a Zombie Apocalypse?

Here are some of the things I frequently enjoy doing:

Not going to the dentist.
Cleaning out my fridge.
Washing the windows.
Cleaning under my bed.
Reading the entire works of Proust.
Arranging my food alphabetically.
Conducting a scientific study of polymer synthesis and its affects on the world.
Arranging my envelopes according to size.
Counting how many sheets of paper I have in my possession.
Making sure that all of my socks have partners (even though they don't always match).
Documenting my pocket lint.
Calling my mom back.
Learning to speak a new language.
Recording myself sleeping.
Moving my furniture around to simulate a bus station.
Experimenting with new methods of sitting that I've never tried before.
Jogging on the spot for an hour.
Pretending that I'm a secret agent.
Decorating the inside of my fridge.
Drawing a fake door on my wall with chalk.
Conversing with my animal neighbors.
Writing a speech for a future award.
Walking to the corner store as slowly as possible.
Writing a positive feedback letter to my mail delivery person.
Putting a secret note into a library book.
Practicing finger stretching exercises.
Dressing up as my favorite author.
Smelling the inside of my nose.
Memorizing "The Elements of Style" by Strunk and White.
Sitting on my front porch with a sign that says "Honk if you love birds".
Documenting the plants in my life on paper.
Smelling books.
Pretending to be a famous astronaut.

Oh and just for the heck of it...

Are you worried about the zombie uprising? Do you need some closure? Then click here and decide for yourself.


Guess what?
I can has deviantART?
Click here to go to my deviantART profile.

Until next time,



Hey everyone!! Check out my newest spaz attack videos by clicking HERE !!!
You should definitely do it.
Cos if you don't.
I'll hit you in the head with a banana.

OH and as for a random picture for today...

Here's some of my college's rules.
Don't call me:

They might getcha for sexual harassment.

What I Learned in College

So I figured that I would keep track of everything that I've learned thus far at Oklahoma Christian, so that later on, I can look back and remember things that I hope I don't forget. (: 

1. Don't draw in the library.

2. Actually, drawing IN the library is fine.

3. Drawing THE library...bad idea...

 4. Frikkin detail...

5. Spaz attacks happen at least 3 times a week, if not daily.

6. Sidewalk chalk is amazing.

7. So are friends (*cough* CHRIS *cough*) who secretly film you freaking out over sidewalk chalk.

8. ...or a phone...

9. ...or your explanation AND demonstration of the spinjump.

I'm sure there will be more posts like this, so stay tuned.

But until then...


The Big Yella One is the Sun

Heyyyy people!! I haven’t posted in quite some time and I had this feeling that my beloved fellow blogger was bound to get on to me for not posting anything lately. So I figured, I’D BEAT HER TO IT!! Mwahahahahahahahaha…

Seeing as the last time I posted was back in July…I know I have a lot to catch y’all up on. 
I’m in college now, hoping to get an education. Haha. Cos apparently the last twelve years mean nothing. 
My schedule is pretty laid back, with Tuesdays and Thursdays being my easy days (I only have two classes, not counting chapel, on those days). Monday and Wednesday are okay, but since I have a 9 a.m. drawing class (which, by the way, doesn’t get out til 10:30 and chapel starts at 11) I have to lug my HUGE portfolio around with me for half the day. I mean, if it was just a sketch book, I’d be okay with that. 
But the paper I have to use is 18x24. 


Anyways, so yeah. I usually don’t get to lose the portfolio until after chapel, which means I have to practically sprint from one side of the campus (where the chapel is), to my dorm (on the OTHER side of campus), and BACK PAST the chapel building. Meh.

I’m not really in much of a blogging mood right now. 
But I will attach a pic that I find interesting.

What the frik.

Pinky and the Brain


Nevermind. I hate you. In fact, I hope something eats you.

So yeah, my beloved fellow blogger lovingly demanded that I post. So I am. So she doesn't eat me. I'm dead serious.

So I was in Chicago July 6th through the 12th and I've got some interesting videos of my "opinions" of that whole shebang on my YouTube, which you can access by clicking here. WOO! Alrighty...

Here's the low down of what all happened in Chicago. And...stuff...
July 6th: get up before God and be at the church at 5 frikkin 30. Bahaha. I woke up at 5:34. Meh. So I was kinda late to that but it's okay because we didn't leave til like 6:15. FML.
July 7th: passed out flyers. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH ROOM IS BETWEEN HOUSES (I think that's what they're called) IN CHICAGO?! GOOD LORD! Okay so about 26 peeps went on this "mission trip" and altogether I'm 112% positive that we passed out like a billion flyers. I keed. It was only five THOUSAND. Then we went to this pizza place and it was okay and all except for the tiny minute fact that I HATE PIZZA. BLEHHH.
July 8th: the basketball camp began. Raise your hand if you love little bilingual children running around and stuff. Y'all deaf? I said raise your hand if...oh wait nevermind. I get it. No one raised their hand because...okay. I'm an idiot. For dinner I went to a Thai restaurant. THERE WAS FRIKKIN CORN IN MY FLIPPIN FRIED RICE. Who the FREAK does that?!? I'll tell you who. It's those little short people who talk funny. I keed.
July 9th: more basketball. And I was frikkin screamed at for saying "crap." Okay I'm in the middle of Chicago (it's a scary place dude) and I get reprimanded for saying crap? Seriously? Do they want me saying f**k or s**t or something like that? Ahehh...I probably would've been excommunicated. Bah. Bring it. Then hot dogs. I don't give a rat's arse what's in 'em. I just know I love a good Chicago dog. Oh my God I'm so white.
July 10th: happy day. More basketball. Good Lord. Anyways went to the Navy Pier. It rained. Everyone was inside. Kayla had a panic attack. It was all good, and actually kinda funny -- wait...I'm Kayla. Eff...
July 11th: church and the mall. Interesting.
July 12th: ever heard of Spongebob Squarepants' Campfire Song? DON'T. It will suck the life out of you. And it's really catchy and will get stuck in your head for WEEKS. I'M NOT LYING.

And so now I'm sitting in the Owasso Public Library and typing this out for all my little freaks who follow me. I mean that in the most kindest way possible. Pfft. My papa called and asked me what I was doing and the conversation went something like this:
(Papa asks what I'm doing)
Me: Typing
(asks typing what)
Me: Nothing really just hacking into the government system. I'm going to take over the world.

Hahahahaha. ROTFLMAOWTFOMGBBQ!! I'm so probably gonna get flagged by the government for saying - er, typing that. Three words buddy. I WAS KIDDING.


What are we gonna do tonight, Brain?
The same thing we do every night, Pinky. We're going to take over the world.

Lunch and a Haircut (05.17.2010)

Sphynx Cats (05.16.2010)

I'm sorry that the audio sucks! Please rate/comment. Thanks.


Party Like It's 1843 (05.15.2010)

Please comment/rate. Thanks!


Here's your explanation of how 14x5=25.
Please rate!

Need Feedback

Hey forum, I have a question for you. What do you think love is? And how do you show someone that you love them without actually saying "I love you"? Gah. Leave your responses in the feedback section below.

Not of This World

This isn't home anymore. 
I feel like an alien in my own church. 
This isn't how it's supposed to be.
I've always felt like an outsider,
but this week has just confirmed it.
I need to move on.


So I decided to just go with posting the link because it was being stupid about formatting and crap so I was like SCREW IT. (: Have fun.

Drop the World

What's happening?

I've got one week before graduation, sucka, that's what's happening! Boo-yah! And today I took my last Anatomy and Physiology test. Ever. Thank God. I hate that class. I honest to God can say I hate that class. I can't believe I spent an hour a day, five days a week for approximately 9-10 months. That's anywhere between 180 and 200 hours of my life wasted! I could have been doing something productive with my life, like:
- solving world hunger.
- finding the meaning of life.
- 14x5=25.
- making fun of your alcoholic father.

Nah, I kid the alcoholics. They're funny. Except for those mean drunks. Hate them.

Okay forum, I'm about to talk green. You're probably going "tree-hugger!" and firing up your o-zone killing bulldozers and crap. I'm not talking about that kind of green. I mean money. And by money I mean people with too much of it. Like PCC, or Pensacola Christian College. You know those mega-lame A Beka books? Mm. Yeah. The curriculum that severely handicapped my class academically because they are so watered down and retarded. They come from PCC. You know how much money PCC has because of A Beka? Enough to have two surf simulators, a rock climbing wall that puts Mt. Everest to shame, and a huge campus that looks like something from The Brady Bunch, complete with sickeningly perfect students and all.

Couldn't they have done something useful with that money? Like solve world hunger. Or get your alcoholic father into rehab.

Well I suppose I can cross that off my list. What's next? The meaning of life...well that's easy. 42. What? You didn't know that? Pssh. Shows how much you know.

And don't even ask about how 14 times 5 equals 25. I'll post a video of me explaining that. Cuz this is just one of those things that I can't explain without visual aid.

Something I learned in my elective hour today:
steel pipe + rolled up newspaper = lethal weapon

Oh and one more thing, life has a funny way of things. Like reviving a friendship from five years ago and then finding out that although friendship is fine for now, something more would be better. Ahehh. So in other words, I've actually been noticed by a guy. Oh, Love. Why must you be so trivial?

Anyways, I'm gonna go ahead and post this. I'll work on that little vlog when I get home tonight and hopefully upload it tomorrow. I really wish I had either that Flip camcorder I want or an iPhone. Meh.

Later, forum.

Lost Generation

Something to think about...

Knock knock. "Who's there?" Me. I kill you.

What's happening guys?

"What's this? Two posts in one day?!"

Yes. Crazy, I know. But I really wish I had my camcorder with me because I could seriously do a vlog about this. Okay. I'm in McAlister's Deli and it's about 3:05 pm (of course it won't be 3:05 pm when I post this because I don't have wi-fi at the moment). And I kid you not, the entire under 15 population of the town of Owasso is in here. There are dozens and dozens of stuck-up cheerleaders and wanna-be jocks here. AND NONE OF THEM HAVE COMPLETED PUBERTY!

And don't flip out about the whole stuck-up cheerleader thing. I used to be a cheerleader.

Some of these kids I bet are pretty cool. But the vast majority of them are convinced that they are the shiz. Oh how I want to tell them that all of their attempts at being popular is worthless. Why? Because in the real world, NO ONE CARES.


Oh and now it's vulgar language. Ohh to be young and invincible and cuss like a sailor again. Seriously. I sure as heck hope I didn't act like this when I was that age. If I did, I am SO SORRY.

Remember when "your mom" and "in bed" were considered some of the biggest disses known to mankind? Yeah like back when I was in fourth and fifth grade? Apparently these kids didn't get the memo.

Alright well I'm gonna take my sweet tea elsewhere. I can honestly say I hate brats. That and I have other better things to do with my time then get glared at by every Justin Beiber fan in Owasso.

Nah I kid those in love with Justin Beiber. I like two of his songs. But seriously, sometimes people should just shut up.

See you guys later. Until then, keep on trollin'.

Senior Skip Day

What's happening? I know it's been a very long time since I've posted, so don't eat me. One of my fellow beloved bloggers finally was like "WRITE YOUR BLOG SOMEDAY. Woman." Ha. I liked that last part. Everything else is in all caps and then Woman. It made me laugh. So I'm easily entertained, so what?

And for my first act of randomness, I will tell you why I haven't written lately. Today is April 30th (Happy Birthday J.Hug!). I graduate May 14th. If that isn't enough, my prom is tomorrow. I might post a pic or two up later. Meh.

I've also been watching a lot of YouTube, mainly keeping up with Ray William Johnson's vlog called Breaking NYC. It's pretty neat. Tessa is so beautiful. I'm thinking I want to start vlogging when I go off to college, maybe even start this summer if I can get the camcorder I want. What do you think? Should I start vlogging?

- Music on my iPod Touch.
- Chick-Fil-A sweet tea.
- Van Helsing.
- Writing.
- Being an artist.
- Flying.
- Soft toilet paper. What?
- Wearing mismatched socks.
- Fried chicken! ...or anything fried, really...
- Reading.
- Ping pong. Both visible and invisible.


Okay so today is SENIOR SKIP DAY!! But instead of being at the lake with some or fishing with others, I'm running errands and crap because my school's administration apparently has better things to do then helping the seniors graduate. There's a surprise. I'm shocked and appalled. Pfft. Whatever.

So yes, how do I kick the system in the butt (or the face, or the sensitive area)? Flip 'em the bird and walk away.  Now before anyone goes off and tattles on me, I WAS KIDDING. Shoot. People these days, can't crack a joke ever. It either goes straight over their heads OR it takes 'em out at the knees.

Well I've got a list longer than Santa's naughty list of things I've got to get done today. Peace!!

I love you all! Stay dry and safe in this lovely weather!

One Day Without Shoes

So today was One Day Without Shoes, a little doo-dah that Toms Shoes does every year to get people to realize how important shoes are in their lives. It's pretty rudimentary. The whole deal is to go one day without shoes. Inside, outside, in a car, on a bus, school, home, work, whatever. No shoes. And, as the proud owner of two pairs of Toms (pics below), I decided that I would participate in One Day Without Shoes.

To spread the word, I created an event on Facebook and invited all my friends. I encouraged my friends to invite their friends and so on and so forth and Scooby Dooby Dooby. Well word gets around pretty fast these days and I was really excited about it. 

Me and several of my friends went barefoot for most of the schoolday. It was interesting, and I personally think that the school could cope with turning on the heater every now and again. But who am I to suggest a simple opinion to the authoritative figures? 

Around 2:00 pm, the vice principal dude came in and said that the principal hadn't approved of this shinaneghan. Pfft.

Alright, Tuesday I had gone to the principal and asked her if it was okay for me and the rest of the student body to participate. She said that she'd talk to the superintendent about it. I go back to ask her about it after school yesterday (Wednesday) and had she talked to him? If you said yes, you are an epic failure with no future or hope in sight. Because she hadn't. So really, she had neither approved nor declined my idea. So I went with it.

Honestly, I was just like send me home, I'm not putting my shoes on. But then I remembered that if I missed any more of my drama elective class, then apparently all my scholarships would be null and void. So sayeth my school's "academic adviser" anyways. (I'm 112% sure that my scholarships are based off my ACT score and not an elective credit, but what the frik?)

So as soon as school was over, my Toms came off. Gotta stay true to my cause, right? I mean, for one day I'm finally a rebel with a cause.

Had to put my Toms on to go into Reasors because of that "no shirt, no shoes, no service" thing. Or does that only apply to restaurants...hmm. Well there ya go, people. There's the thought of the day. 

Nah, I kid government rules and regulations. But seriously. Some are just retarded. 

Anyways, next stop: Chick-fil-a. As with Reasor's, if I wanted to go inside, I'd have to don a pair of shoes. So what does the rebel with a cause do? No shoes, baby. (I had texted one of my friends who works there and he had said that it'd be fine.) Cookies 'n' Cream milkshake and getting funny looks from people? $40 - $80.

And then just for the fun of it, I went to Best Buy. People were staring. They weren't even trying to be subtle about it. I even had some people pointing at me. I felt like a celebrity...or maybe I just had toilet paper on my bare foot. Being the center of attention and pretending like I have no idea what's going on? Priceless.

Nah, I kid the unsanitary tendencies of the American public. But seriously. 

Finally I went to a friend's house and worked on Anatomy homework. What chapter are we covering? The Reproductive System. I've never really given much thought to how babies are made and now I realize why the whole 'stork' story was created. 

New Topic: Law Abiding Citizen. If you haven't seen it, you definitely should. Now if you're one of those people who say that if I say "frikkin" then I'm condemned to hell, then you'll definitely have a frikkin heart attack if you watch this movie because the language is more colorful than the rainbow - like the Toms I carried around today! Which makes it that much more intriguing. :D Oh and it's extremely graphic. 

This concludes the summary of my very own personal One Day Without Shoes.

Love and War

Lately, I don't know what's gotten a hold of me. My mind says one thing, and my heart says another. Is it possible for me to be able to please both my heart and my mind?

Or must I settle for one or the other? People say to follow my heart, but the heart can lead me astray. Reason and logic have their place -- but not in this war.

Victory of one over the other means a bittersweet loss for one. Why can't my mind and my heart agree on one thing? Why must I pick one or the other when what I want isn't necessarily supported?

Exultation of my mind leaves a broken heart. Likewise, lifting up my heart equates a doubting mind. And to tell you the truth, I've never fully understood the statement "all's fair in LOVE and war"...

Soundtrack of my Life

Have you ever had those songs that just seem to sum up your life? Are you a fan of that group on Facebook that has something to do with wishing that music played during epic moments of your life? I am. I even have a playlist on my iPod titled "Soundtrack of My Life." Lame? Perhaps. Unique? Probably not.

Opening Credits: 300 Violin Orchestra (Jorge Quintero)
This is an intense pump-up song. Definitely the song that I listened to on the way to the State Championship basketball game. Yeah...two straight hours of nothing but good ole' Jorge.

Love Scene: Yours to Hold (Skillet)
I love Skillet. 'Nuff said. And this is the best song that I could come up with for my love life. Good thing you can't see my reaction when I was trying to figure out what song to put for this one. I choked on my spit. It was epic. "Don't you know that I could be the one to hold you?"

Death Scene: Death of Me (RED)
What better to have a song that has the word DEATH in the song that would play if you DIED?! "You will be the death of me!"

Fight Scene: Citizen/Soldier (3 Doors Down)
Okay so I'm not in the National Guard or the Army or anything like that. But still, "the strongest among you may not wear a crown."

Out and About: Renegade (Styx)
"Oh Mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law..." Trust me, if you knew my school, you'd understand.

Determined: Awake and Alive (Skillet)
I'm awake and I'm alive. Doesn't that sound pretty determined to you? "I do what I want, cuz this is my life."

Depressed: Start Again (RED)
I've actually been listening to this song A LOT lately. Does that mean I'm depressed? -sighs- Probably. "Can we ever start again? I'm lost without you..."

After the Battle: Rise Above This (Seether)
I really like the video for this song. It's anti-suicide, I think. "I'll end this all before it gets me."

Meltdown: Monster (Skillet)
And yet another Skillet song! I heart them. Ahehh... Anyways, if you've ever seen my meltdowns...you'd totally get it. "I must confess that I feel like a Monster!"

Closing Credits: In The End (Linkin Park)
"In the end, it doesn't even matter."


I have this cat named Kansas. She's been in my life sine I was four. She's a petite cat, and a beautiful calico with a brown Hitler-like mustache and three black dots diagonal on her pink nose. She's the sweetest thing ever on four legs. But there's a problem. Kansas's kidneys are failing and I'm not sure how much longer she's got. I mean, it's not like she's on her deathbed or anything. She's got a ton of energy and her coat is shiny and gorgeous. She looks and acts like a cat half her age. I don't want to lose her...


Click Click Boom

Tha-thump tha-thump tha-thump.

A heartbeat isn't really the loudest thing on the planet. I mean it's probably ranked right up there between a churchmouse and a worm. Pretty quiet, right? If you're in the middle of a crowd, it's definitely not something that you'll be able to hear, even if every single person is as silent as the grave. 

But when you're cornered, trapped, confronted, put in a situation where your body temperature rises and your pulse spikes up, a heartbeat can be the equivalent of Niagara Falls. The sound is deafening, a throbbing, continuous roar in your ears, drowning out any other sound. The fact that the only sound that can get through is the sound of your own breathing does not help at all in any situation.

Ever been there? Ever been to that point where your heart is trying to come crashing out of your ribcage and you can hear your ragged breath echoing throughout your skull?

You're lying.
Tha-thump tha-thump tha-thump.

You don't know what it's like to be trapped and have to weigh your chances of survival, knowing that one wrong move, one move at all, could mean the end.

Tha-thump. Tha-thump. 

You know nothing.