Snopocalypse: Blizzard and Internet

February 1st brought a lot of snow.
Uhm, no. Not that alot. /)_-

Anyways. So I'm sitting in the lobby of the guys dorms and Boyfriend is asleep. On me. Seriously.
Yup. I was surfing LOLCATS and he was like *nap*. Oh, and he's snoring. Okay, it can't really be classified as snoring because it's not constant and not annoyingly loud like a lawnmower/chainsaw thing. He's gonna hate me for this later, but I find it extremely cute. Almost as cute as kittens. 

I asked him if I snored and he gave me a Look and goes, "No, you make little angel noises."

Hm. Angel noises. 

Alright, so back to the snow. Which I had originally planned on blogging about until Boyfriend fell asleep and that ^ happened. Due to the blizzard, I have spent a lot of time cooped up in my room watching NCIS reruns and expanding my collection of things I like. Especially cute pictures of animals (mainly cats which, contrary to the beliefs of the evil Ginger vampyric pope Joel, are NOT evil). And lucky you, I'm going to share my findings.


Okay so this first one isn't a cat or a kitten. But Boyfriend did say that this reminds him of me. Mainly the pose/facial expression/basicallyeverythingaboutthepicture.

There is just something about cats/kittens that make me go AWWWWHHHH and all that fun stuff. Yeah. Like this one.

And this one.

How cute are they?!?!?!

I also found a GREAT way to die:
If this was the reason I died, I don't think there would be anything wrong with that. In fact, I HOPE I die like this. Is it bad to say that? Oh well.

Okay, I'm not going to add all the pics that I want to, at least not in this post. At least if I save some of the pics, I will have motivation for posts later on. Hahaha. Yeah.

Uhm, so look forward to some more sickeningly deplorable-I mean, adorable pics of cats/kittens and maybe Boyfriend. [enter evil laugh here] 

1 comment:

  1. I love that you put the soulless ginger pope Joel in this post.
