What's happening?
I've got one week before graduation, sucka, that's what's happening! Boo-yah! And today I took my last Anatomy and Physiology test. Ever. Thank God. I hate that class. I honest to God can say I hate that class. I can't believe I spent an hour a day, five days a week for approximately 9-10 months. That's anywhere between 180 and 200 hours of my life wasted! I could have been doing something productive with my life, like:
- solving world hunger.
- finding the meaning of life.
- 14x5=25.
- making fun of your alcoholic father.
Nah, I kid the alcoholics. They're funny. Except for those mean drunks. Hate them.
Okay forum, I'm about to talk green. You're probably going "tree-hugger!" and firing up your o-zone killing bulldozers and crap. I'm not talking about that kind of green. I mean money. And by money I mean people with too much of it. Like PCC, or Pensacola Christian College. You know those mega-lame A Beka books? Mm. Yeah. The curriculum that severely handicapped my class academically because they are so watered down and retarded. They come from PCC. You know how much money PCC has because of A Beka? Enough to have two surf simulators, a rock climbing wall that puts Mt. Everest to shame, and a huge campus that looks like something from The Brady Bunch, complete with sickeningly perfect students and all.
Couldn't they have done something useful with that money? Like solve world hunger. Or get your alcoholic father into rehab.
Well I suppose I can cross that off my list. What's next? The meaning of life...well that's easy. 42. What? You didn't know that? Pssh. Shows how much you know.
And don't even ask about how 14 times 5 equals 25. I'll post a video of me explaining that. Cuz this is just one of those things that I can't explain without visual aid.
Something I learned in my elective hour today:
steel pipe + rolled up newspaper = lethal weapon
Oh and one more thing, life has a funny way of things. Like reviving a friendship from five years ago and then finding out that although friendship is fine for now, something more would be better. Ahehh. So in other words, I've actually been noticed by a guy. Oh, Love. Why must you be so trivial?
Anyways, I'm gonna go ahead and post this. I'll work on that little vlog when I get home tonight and hopefully upload it tomorrow. I really wish I had either that Flip camcorder I want or an iPhone. Meh.
Later, forum.
Have you ever read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Because the answer is SERIOUSLY 42 lol