Knock knock. "Who's there?" Me. I kill you.

What's happening guys?

"What's this? Two posts in one day?!"

Yes. Crazy, I know. But I really wish I had my camcorder with me because I could seriously do a vlog about this. Okay. I'm in McAlister's Deli and it's about 3:05 pm (of course it won't be 3:05 pm when I post this because I don't have wi-fi at the moment). And I kid you not, the entire under 15 population of the town of Owasso is in here. There are dozens and dozens of stuck-up cheerleaders and wanna-be jocks here. AND NONE OF THEM HAVE COMPLETED PUBERTY!

And don't flip out about the whole stuck-up cheerleader thing. I used to be a cheerleader.

Some of these kids I bet are pretty cool. But the vast majority of them are convinced that they are the shiz. Oh how I want to tell them that all of their attempts at being popular is worthless. Why? Because in the real world, NO ONE CARES.


Oh and now it's vulgar language. Ohh to be young and invincible and cuss like a sailor again. Seriously. I sure as heck hope I didn't act like this when I was that age. If I did, I am SO SORRY.

Remember when "your mom" and "in bed" were considered some of the biggest disses known to mankind? Yeah like back when I was in fourth and fifth grade? Apparently these kids didn't get the memo.

Alright well I'm gonna take my sweet tea elsewhere. I can honestly say I hate brats. That and I have other better things to do with my time then get glared at by every Justin Beiber fan in Owasso.

Nah I kid those in love with Justin Beiber. I like two of his songs. But seriously, sometimes people should just shut up.

See you guys later. Until then, keep on trollin'.

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