So today was One Day Without Shoes, a little doo-dah that Toms Shoes does every year to get people to realize how important shoes are in their lives. It's pretty rudimentary. The whole deal is to go one day without shoes. Inside, outside, in a car, on a bus, school, home, work, whatever. No shoes. And, as the proud owner of two pairs of Toms (pics below), I decided that I would participate in One Day Without Shoes.
To spread the word, I created an event on Facebook and invited all my friends. I encouraged my friends to invite their friends and so on and so forth and Scooby Dooby Dooby. Well word gets around pretty fast these days and I was really excited about it.
Me and several of my friends went barefoot for most of the schoolday. It was interesting, and I personally think that the school could cope with turning on the heater every now and again. But who am I to suggest a simple opinion to the authoritative figures?
Around 2:00 pm, the vice principal dude came in and said that the principal hadn't approved of this shinaneghan. Pfft.
Alright, Tuesday I had gone to the principal and asked her if it was okay for me and the rest of the student body to participate. She said that she'd talk to the superintendent about it. I go back to ask her about it after school yesterday (Wednesday) and had she talked to him? If you said yes, you are an epic failure with no future or hope in sight. Because she hadn't. So really, she had neither approved nor declined my idea. So I went with it.
Honestly, I was just like send me home, I'm not putting my shoes on. But then I remembered that if I missed any more of my drama elective class, then apparently all my scholarships would be null and void. So sayeth my school's "academic adviser" anyways. (I'm 112% sure that my scholarships are based off my ACT score and not an elective credit, but what the frik?)
So as soon as school was over, my Toms came off. Gotta stay true to my cause, right? I mean, for one day I'm finally a rebel with a cause.

Had to put my Toms on to go into Reasors because of that "no shirt, no shoes, no service" thing. Or does that only apply to restaurants...hmm. Well there ya go, people. There's the thought of the day.
Nah, I kid government rules and regulations. But seriously. Some are just retarded.
Anyways, next stop: Chick-fil-a. As with Reasor's, if I wanted to go inside, I'd have to don a pair of shoes. So what does the rebel with a cause do? No shoes, baby. (I had texted one of my friends who works there and he had said that it'd be fine.) Cookies 'n' Cream milkshake and getting funny looks from people? $40 - $80.
And then just for the fun of it, I went to Best Buy. People were staring. They weren't even trying to be subtle about it. I even had some people pointing at me. I felt like a celebrity...or maybe I just had toilet paper on my bare foot. Being the center of attention and pretending like I have no idea what's going on? Priceless.
Nah, I kid the unsanitary tendencies of the American public. But seriously.
Finally I went to a friend's house and worked on Anatomy homework. What chapter are we covering? The Reproductive System. I've never really given much thought to how babies are made and now I realize why the whole 'stork' story was created.
New Topic: Law Abiding Citizen. If you haven't seen it, you definitely should. Now if you're one of those people who say that if I say "frikkin" then I'm condemned to hell, then you'll definitely have a frikkin heart attack if you watch this movie because the language is more colorful than the rainbow - like the Toms I carried around today! Which makes it that much more intriguing. :D Oh and it's extremely graphic.
This concludes the summary of my very own personal One Day Without Shoes.