Alright. Today is Friday, and this past week felt like it stretched forever! Sometimes I hate being in high school simply because of all the drama that most of the time is over something irrelevant! Of course, I know that those 'drama queens' that I've learned to steer clear of stay the same. They grow up, but primarily only in the physical sense of the words. Woohoo. There's a saying that goes "school prepares you for the real world - which also sucks." Should I embrace this fact or run screaming from it? Oh what to do...
And that whole rant just covers Monday. Tuesday was a little better. I saw the new 3-D movie 'Alice in Wonderland.' It was good. Creepy, even. It was more like the original book than Disney's version. No where near as good as Avatar, in my opinion. Even though Avatar didn't have Johnny Depp as The Mad Hatter.
Wednesday. Hm...what did I do...oh yeah. I woke up at like 8:30 and the house is empty. Everyone is gone. Now, I'm used to being home alone or with my sister because I'm 18 and my parents work. But they usually leave a note or something. So when I woke up to an empty house and no note, I somewhat panicked. But it's okay. My sister was at a friends and my parents had already left for work. And I was okay with that. But I tell you what, I almost went crazy (short trip, but hey, whatever) being cooped up in the house from 8:30 in the morning to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. I did a lot of talking to my cats. I escaped from my prison (lol) and went to Jamba Juice and then to church where we had a dodgeball tournament. What was my team's name? Failures. Yeah, fun, right? Well the Failures ended up taking third place in the tournament so ha!
I went questing for lasers Thursday. Simply put, I went to LaserQuest with my youth group. It was fun. I failed. But I had a blast. Chick-fil-a afterward was interesting, considering the fact that one of the girls accidentally threw away her retainers and one of the workers had to go trashcan diving. I laughed.
And today. Friday. It was good. I worked on my scrapbook and filled out some of the stuff for my senior memories book. I'm so ready to graduate. I just keep telling myself that I've only got like two months give or take left of high school then I am free. loose on the world...tis a scary thought. Tis tis.
And so ends my little summary of my week.